Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude and I have much to be grateful for. My family is healthy and happy. We have a roof over our heads and food in bellies when so many do not. We have jobs we enjoy (well, most of the time). We have amazing friends who stand by us in times good and not so good.
But, for two very special people, it’s a time of celebration. So, on this Thanksgiving I wish the original Big Susan and my Big Susan T a very happy birthday. And, yes I find it interesting that two such amazing women were both born – 24 hours and a few decades apart but share characteristics that have changed life for my late mother and myself.
Big Susan, you have taught me much – mostly by example. Your patience, love and loyalty to those in your life is astonishing. You have always seen the good, overlooked the bad and found the glass completely full. I know you are recovering from the auto acrobatics. I know the boys set up the tables and L made dessert. I know the Boston contingency likely arrived today. I know that C & S made their way down from NYC along with all their cousins from assorted colleges and locales. I know your house will be full of laughter and that someone will yell at some point. I know you will have plenty if an extra 5 or 10 people showed up for dinner. I know my mom is with you in spirit – standing beside while you cook or supervise. I know you are surrounded by those you love and who love you. For this I am grateful.
T, though your big day was yesterday it just seems appropriate to extend a special wish to you today. You have helped me understand what friendship truly is. I watched my mother and Big Susan experience a friendship some only dream about and immediately understood their special bond when we became friends.
You’ve taught me to always take the high road (which is often a real struggle for me) and that classic clothes are always the best choice. You remind me that slow and steady really can win the race and that it’s worth it to invest in a really good purse. You’re my friend despite my many shortcomings. I know that today you are with your family - cooking, nurturing, supervising and likely playing peacemaker. I know the cries of "Aunt Tammy" make your heart sing and watching your mom with her grandchildren,grand dog and great grandchildren warms your heart. I don't know who will breath a bigger sigh of relief when you get home on Sunday - you or the dog.
I have many friends for whom I am grateful and I hope that they are grateful for my friendship. If they are, they should raise a glass to the original Big Susan and my mom. They showed me the way.
So, Happy Birthday to you fantastic broads!! Thank you - I am grateful.
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